An excellent Berkey system addition, the sight glass spigot allows instant reading of the water level in the lower chamber of the stainless steel unit. This modification is very popular. The spigot has a larger diameter body than the standard spigot and the water flows noticeably faster making your Berkey water system even more efficient. The glass tube is partially encased in stainless steel making the unit strong and durable.

The Berkey sight glass spigots are available in three sizes.

1) The smallest of the three is 19.1 cms (7.5 inches) tall and is designed for use with the Travel Berkey and Big Berkey systems.
2) The middle sized sight glass spigot is 25.4 cms (10 inches) tall and is designed for use with the Royal Berkey and Imperial Berkey systems.
3) The largest is 33 cms (13 inches) tall and is designed for use with the Crown Berkey system.
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The manufacturer, New Millennium Concepts, Ltd., warrants this product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 6 months from date of purchase. New Millennium Concepts, Ltd. will replace or repair any product that it deems is not properly functioning during the stated warranty period.