Some points about your privacy:
Readers may, from time to time, post information on Conscious Water. Once you do that, you grant us the right to use it (provided you had clean title to it in the first place).
Depending on what you want from Conscious Water, we may require your email. (Hard to send you newsletters when we don’t have it, for instance). We occasionally use this data to screen out repeat registration and the like.
Other sites we link to have potentially less comprehensive privacy policies than we do. Their policies are likely less user-friendly than ours too. Please don’t upset the locals wherever you may wander off to.
We reserve the right to modify any terms and conditions of userdom at any point, without notification.
Users may be banned or removed from the system without notification or due process of any sort.
Non-Personal Information:
In some cases, Conscious Water may collect information about you that is not personally identifiable. We use this information, which does not identify individual users, to analyze trends, to administer the site, to track users movements around the site and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. The information collected is used solely for internal review and not shared with other organizations for commercial purposes.
Terms of Use:
Conscious Water provides this website as an educational service, not health advice. How you use this information is entirely up to you.
The materials contained on this website are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal or other professional advice on any subject matter. While the information contained within the site is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is complete, and/or up-to-date. The contents of this site are protected by copyright under international conventions and, apart from the permission granted, the reproduction, permanent storage, or retransmission of the contents of this site is prohibited without the prior written consent of Conscious Water.
Some links within this website may lead to other websites, including those operated and maintained by third parties. Conscious Water includes these links solely as a service to you, and the presence of such a link does not imply a responsibility for the linked site or an endorsement of the linked site, its operator, or its contents (exceptions may apply).
We do encourage valuable linking with quality and relevant websites. If you are interested in a link exchange, please contact [email protected]
You agree, when you view this site, you do so at your own risk. We take no responsibility for your use of this site.
You should always double-check facts and methods for yourself and your own situation.
If you feel that any information supplied is incorrect or misleading please contact me to let me know, [email protected]
Your use of this site indicates acceptance of the above.

Conscious Water is based in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada, and ships Worldwide.

Elke Helmerichs says:
Very informativ web page. Congratulation.
Scott says:
Thank you very much. If you have any further questions, I welcome the opportunity to speak with you. Scott